Watch our Connecting Cultures & Communities – Guide & Toolkit video series featuring stories and tips from newcomers, employers, and community leaders in the Pembina Valley.
This video builds the case for adopting a new perspective on inclusion and diversity. It showcases the need for change, and identifies benefits and keys to success: Inclusion, Training, Policy, Support, Connection.
This video explains how employers can address communications challenges that commonly arise in a diverse and inclusive workplace.
This video offers a realistic view of settlement. It explores the challenges of starting over and establishing a career, giving newcomers and employers a deeper understanding of the newcomer experience.
This video looks at Canadian workplace culture and provides newcomers with advice from settlement workers, newcomers, and employers on how to fit in and move up.
This video helps newcomers prepare for and overcome common challenges related to building a new life. It shows how employers, settlement workers, and community volunteers are working together to make it easier for newcomers to settle in the Pembina Valley.