As an individual, or as part of an organization, you have the ability to make a difference in your community!
We hope these tips spark ideas of how you can make meaningful actions that contribute to a Strong, Vibrant, Community.
By no means is this an exhaustive list, just a way to help generate thoughts and ideas. If you are doing something that is not on this list, we would love for you to share it with us, we’ll share it through our networks via social media and other communication platforms.
Improve Integration
- Match up newcomers (buddy system) with another staff member to act as confidant, mentor or ‘go to person’ for any questions about the community, and help integrate the newcomer into the social life of the community
- Make a concerted effort to get staff members (especially new staff) involved in community functions
- As part of new staff member orientation, make special efforts to have him/her and his/her family attend community events or functions, as a way to get to know the community
- Provide on-the-job language training (try English at Work)
Improve Engagement
- Provide newcomers with basic information about the community and help introduce them to people in the community that can help them…such as the librarian, the municipal administrator, the economic development officer, the recreation director, etc.
- Connect with agencies that provide support to employers and employees such as Training and Employment Services
- Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba
- Hiring? Check out our Employer Services
Support Diversity
- Host a diversity lunch and invite a newcomer to speak at your workplace.
- Consider having newcomer volunteers in your business/organization. This is a great way for newcomers to gain work experience and connect and contribute to the community.
- Connect new immigrants with your friends and colleagues with similar professional backgrounds.
- Consider Workplace Cultural Diversity Training
- If you speak another language, help develop multilingual resources at your workplace, register as an interpreter with Regional Connections Volunteer Program.
- Participate in initiatives and committees that are committed to building a strong, vibrant community such as service clubs or the PVLIP Local Immigration Partnership