Please contact us with any corrections or additions to our Diversity Calendar.

Makarsankranti (Hindu)

This day marks the transition of the sun from the zodiac of Sagittarius (dhanu) to Capricorn (makara). ince the sun has made this transition which vaguely coincides with moving from south to north, the festival is dedicated to the solar deity, Surya, and is observed to mark a new beginning. (Wikipedia)

Lailat al Miraj (Islam)

Lailat al Miraj celebrates the Prophet Muhammad's nighttime journey from Mecca to Jerusalem, where he then ascended to heaven.

Chinese New Year (China)

This day marks the New Year or the beginning of spring on the Chinese lunisolar calendar. It is one of the most important holidays of Chinese culture and has influenced similar celebrations in neighboring countries and countries with significant Chinese population. (Wikipedia)

Imbolc (Gaelic/Pagan)

Imbolc is a traditional Gaelic festival marking the beginning of Spring. For Christian's it is St. Brigid's Day, the patroness saint of Ireland.